How do you end a friendship? Should I?

Maybe I’m in the wrong but I’m tired.

My friend got her son taken away. Her baby’s father got her pregnant again, and she messaged me the other day saying he hit her and that they were done. And that she was pressing charges Monday. She didn’t.

She just said her husband is headed to the Er on Facebook, and I asked if they were back together, and she left me on read, then an hour later I asked what happened and she said he had a seizure.

She neglected her sons needs for this guy, this guy cheated on her when she was on the hospital almost dying from an fourniers gangrene, she said he caused the infection. She said she only needed 3000 to get a lawyer to get her son back. Then posted a go fund me for 20000. Like, I’m not sure what’s going on with her.

Like, I probably sound like a bad friend but she never asks how I’ve been even before all this, and I’m just... I’m tired. I’ve been in an abusive relationship before and just... I can’t deal with this. 😞

Also, we had a mutual friend Sammy, and she told me she was mad at him because he told her she’s never getting her son back because of all this. And because she’s getting more stuff that she can afford & spending it on Xboxes and PlayStations for her husband, instead of getting a lawyer.

***many people try to give her advice. She had a good childhood. Her mom died a few years ago and her dad got remarried soon after. She resented him after that and said stuff like she lost two parents. She knows right from wrong. I do think her husband is manipulating her. I’m kind of worried she’s on drugs after dealing with pain killers for the gangrene.

But I have a cousin who also went through this, and now she’s hooked on drugs, lies, steals, etc. I just don’t want to watch my friend ( she also slept with my ex back in high school and liked another exes dating profile recently and lied about it another reason I want to end the friendship) she cheated on her husband. Wow why am I even typing this I really shouldn’t be her friend anymore. What if she comes to my house though?