HELP a girl out please!!! He leaves messes, he hardly cleans, what should I do about this?

If you have time please read this and help a girl out!!!

My boyfriend and also father of my young kids has been really annoying me. For the longest time I was trying to get him to understand that I need him to clean up the kitchen if I cook because I’m way to exhausted to do everything.

I have the whole house to clean, a baby and a toddler to take care of of, planning/setting up activities to keep my toddler occupied for 5 minutes, cleaning the kitchen/toy room at least 3 times a day, endless amounts of laundry to do/fold/put away, etc. I’m overwhelmed. I don’t have help with my kids either besides him.

Every time he comes home there’s mud on his boots from work and it’s all at the front door. He leaves beard hairs on the sink/counter, he leaves clothes everywhere, he doesn’t replace toilet paper, the garbage bags (supposed to be his job) is always left in the middle of the kitchen floor and then he just puts it outside our front door…animals get into it and it’s all over our porch/front lawn. we look dirty to our neighbours and he doesn’t care - he will literally leave it for days. These are just some of the things…

After sitting down with him a few days ago, he finally agreed to do clean the kitchen if I cook and to clean one washroom in the house plus vacuum the down stairs. I do the rest. we wrote out a list of things he’s expected to do. He told me to do this because it would help him. But since then I have been helping him clean the kitchen since he hardly cleans (I don’t know if I can even complain about this though as I just expect it a certain way). He is still leaving messes everywhere. He still hasn’t done any of these things.

For example, just Last night he left scissors, a piece of his rolling thing for weed, and an open can lid? on our kitchen table. He also left pants and a sweater on the floor, and qtips in our washroom.

Im constantly cleaning. It’s to the point where I just for a week want to not clean anything and see how he reacts. But then I feel like that’s going to affect me because I thrive on a clean environment.

What do you suggest? I strongly feel this isnt fair. It’s an ongoing issue. He literally will say “I can’t do everything” like WHAT! He almost makes me feel crazy and second guess if he does do everything?

He has changed in the sense he spends more time with his kids and puts them to bed for me which is amazing. But I’m starting to resent him because of this. I also feel I should mention I have bad anxiety and suffering from PPD, so it’s extra hard for me right now. I really need the help.