Stay at home mom

Good morning everyone. I have a lot to think about and I just needed to vent a little. My boyfriend and I are talking about me possibly becoming a stay at home mom while he works. we have two beautiful babies, and daycare just hasn’t been an option lately especially after the whole pandemic. I currently work as team lead for this cleaning company, and he’s an english teacher.

He said he supports me 100%, and if taking care of the kids and also doing online schooling is something I want to do then he has my back.

My worry is that he will regret it, and lash out at me for choosing to care for the kids, and go to school.

If there are any mamas out there who have been stay at home moms, what do you think my bf and I should talk about beforehand if we decide to do this? Also how could I make a little money on the side to help?.