Can I sue my job?

I have worked in a call center environment for 3 years. Up until I started working here, I was a very healthy 27 year old woman. I kept in shape, felt great, you name it.

Anyways. I work from home for a HUGE company. I wont say the name, but you can find one of these stores on nearly every street in every town.

Ever since starting here, my health has severely declined. I have been diagnosed with POTS syndrome and supraventricular tachycardia.

I can't stand for longer than 2 minutes without nearly fainting.

I can't work out anymore because my heart rate jumps up to 180 beats per minute.

I feel terrible

And I think I know why.

My company does not allow WIRELESS headsets. You are forced to sit , on your ass, for 8 hours a day. Calls automatically answer. You are required to answer every one and they are constant.

I have looked into the health problems that sitting all day can cause, and it is right on the money

I feel this ban of wireless headsets is inhumane.

Should I try to sue?