TW (Emotional Abuse): I have an issue with sharing food. Should i seek therapy?

I need to get this off my chest and need advice:

My parents were controlling and emotionally abusive all of my life, but I did not hit my breaking point until we entered in the quarantine last year. My parents slowly isolated me from going to outdoor church services, seeing friends with social distance which seemed reasonable. But it got to the point where they told me I could not go grocery shopping. I thought it was reasonable at the time because it would limit exposure to the virus. My dad would "risk his life" (as he would say) to go grocery shopping and would not let me go out. Everytime I tried to go out myself to grocery shop, they would scream at me. He would ask for a grocery list of items everytime, and he would go out only once a month. My family always bought processed food, so pre-pandemic I would do my groceries separate from them so I can get vegetables and other healthy foods. My dad was kind to offer to get the family's groceries including mine. He told me to give him a list, so I did. But everytime he went grocery shopping he ignores my entire list. When he got home and I noticed that none of the things I asked for were there, he would say we need to get what's best for the family and he couldn't find the items at Costco. I let it slide the first 3 times and everytime he would always ask me for my list, I would give it to him. It got to the point where I confronted him of why he didn't get the food that I listed and he was complaining that they don't have what I asked for and that he would have to travel to another store to get them. I never asked for much: Almond Butter, Oatmeal, Kale Salad, Pita Bread, Celery, Chicken Breast, Salmon, Quinoa, etc. And if you're raising an eyebrow at these items, you're right - all of this shit can be found at Costco! Every month after grocery shopping (because grocery shopping was once a month), we would get into an argument because of how none of the things on my list were ever gotten. So after a year into quarantine with this situation, I basically was left eating cereal and mini pizzas everyday. I lost so much weight to the point where I was 95 lbs, was deficient in vitamins and nutrients to the point where my hair would fall out in chunks, and my feet would turn blue with even with a little bit of coldness. I developed anger when my parents would eat the little food that I did have, when they had other things to eat.. I developed a possessiveness for food. And bc I ate the cereal and mini pizzas so much, my parents would say "You love those pizzas and cereal, I'll buy more!" I would burn with anger in my heart hearing that. Towards the end of that year, I almost believed that I didn't deserve food and would stop eating the little food that I had.

There were many other things that would happen in my parents household that led to me moving out with a cousin, but the food was the major one. So I packed all my shit, carried everything to my car, and moved out with no help from family. I am healthy and happy now, eating three meals a day and regaining weight back. Now I'm living with my cousin and I am grieved that I have developed this possessiveness over food. It still affects me to the point where I am no longer at my parents house but when my cousin eats my food without asking me, I feel upset because I don't have that much money and I am barely making it. I feel like it shouldn't be this way but it is. So I did mention to him that I am trying to make ends meet with my groceries and would appreciate if we could have our groceries separate. I don't know if the upset feelings is right or if it is deep rooted into my past.

What are your thoughts and should I seek therapy?