37 week birth story!


This is the birth story of my 3rd baby but second labor (first was a planned c section) my last labor went very quick so I was expecting similar this time but little girl decided to take her sweet time!

The couple weeks leading up to her birth I was having LOTS of pelvic pain, nausea, I had been losing parts of my mucus plug over the last 2 weeks and lots of trips to the bathroom 💩the 3 nights before she was born I was having prodromal labor for 6 hours each night and that morning I was having more painful contractions but super inconsistent and mixed in with Braxton Hicks. I had an OB appointment that afternoon and found out I was 4 cm! My Dr and I agreed to her doing a membrane sweep to hopefully get things going because I was in so much pain, hadn’t slept in 3 days and baby was ready! Immediately after that I was having painful contractions and cramping , I knew tonight was gonna be the night so stopped at the store to grab a quick dinner and headed home it was about 4pm At this point, I continued having painful contractions for the rest of the night at about 3 am I decided to head to the hospital because my contractions were extremely painful and anywhere from 2-8 minutes apart. When I got there I was a 6! I figured It wouldn’t be long now because last time I went from a 5-10 in under 2 hours! I Waited an hour and got the epidural . Then waited and waited and waited! I labored all night finally at 1pm I was a 10 but my water still hasn’t broke. Which is funny because My main concern was getting to the hospital before my water broke because last time my daughter was born only an hour after my water broke, jokes on me because my water did not break! so they had to break my water for me, after that she was born 2 minutes later!

6 pounds 12oz

Born oct 13th