New job. Please help!!!

For over 7 years I worked for a company where I never got appreciated. In June I decided to get a new job and now I'm really happy where I work at. We as a group get shown appreciation alot for our hard work. Outings together as a team with everything paid for, frequently get lunch delivered, gift cards and so on. Today our boss gave everyone in our team gifts "expensive gift" for no reason, just because they have a lot of money and wanted to show appreciation. Well now my husband is mad, I don't even know what he is thinking. He started questioning me on why I'm accepting gifts from other people and why it has to be expensive. On how they knew what size shoe I wear? And that since I'm accepting gifts from others to not ever worry about receiving another gift from him. He is making seem like I did something really wrong. Now I don't know what to do. Should I return the gift? Now we have been together for 16 years, 6 which are of marriage and 3 children. Really never had any trust issues before and have never given him a reason not to trust me.. I don't understand, for now he will not even speak to me. Someone help please!!!!