Looking for advice on leaving

So let me start by saying we've been together 6 and a half years married almost 1. I've known about his anger issues since about a 1 year into the relationship but after we got married it got taken to a whole new level. At first he would just scream and yell and then he'd go be by himself but now it's gotten to the point he has punched holes in my walls, broken mirrors and tvs, etc. I am not happy anymore but have been scared to say anything due to fear of him flipping out on me. I get yelled at if i sleep too long or if i forget to do something he freaks out on me and says i just dont care. He has isolated me from friends and most of my family. I go to work and come home to have to wash clothes, clean up the mess him and my daughter had made while at work, tend to his every need while neglecting my own. I'm expected to make sure all this stuff is done or he lashes out on me. He does work a full time job and makes sure my daughter does her homework and has dinner and showers while im at work but that's it. He's never put his hands on me but he has verbally and mentally abused me. I want out but i dont know how to tell him without him freaking out and getting angry. Please if you've gone through this any advice is needed. I've tried to stick it out in hopes he would change but his ego of "it's what i want or nothing at all" and "i'm such and such and i can do whatever i want" has gotten to be too much for me to handle