How long does you SO take to make amends ?

Every time I have gotten upset at my husband he never seems to care enough to come and try to make up with me unless I make a comment about why he doesn't step up and fix the issue or care to make up .. if I don't say anything he goes for ever ! And he expects and apology from me bc if I said something rude to him while telling him what my problem was towards him he turns it around on me and expects me to apologize even tho I was the one who had a problem with him in the first place.

Does your significant other wait hours days weeks or not at all to make up with you? It drives me nuts that he dont care how he hurt me or care that we aren't talking ! It's been day 3

Also please don't say to leave him , I am committed to my marriage and won't leave him for this kinds of thing . I made a vow and I stick to it !