Brother and best friend being sexual

My 17 year old brother has this friend Ralph. They've been friends since they were 5. My brother opened up with me today about how him and Ralph starting doing things they didn't know we're sexual at a very young age. Like 7. They would kiss, and touch each other's things. Then they accidentally got exposed to some porn my mom and dad watched and would try to perform oral on each other. As they got older they got more and more sexual with each other and had actual sex for the first time at 13. They realized they like each other in more than a sexual way and have been in a sexual/ romantic relationship for 3 years. My brother said Ralph knows he gay. My brother doesn't because Ralph is the only person he's ever loved and he's very monogamous and doesn't look and doesn't touch. He told me this because he is starting to feel ashamed for being sexual so young and is wondering if him and Ralph molested each other. I said no they were curious and got exposed to stuff they shouldn't have. Now my parents are very religious so they wouldn't take this finding well. Should I even bother having a the sex talk with him if he's been sexually active this long?