Husband being sneaky (all my posts combined)

I’ve posted these separately but now I want to make a post for all these things I’ve noticed my husband been doing.

High school sweethearts married 5 years with a 2 year old. First year I did catch him creating online dating sites forgave him we went to counseling for a bit. He has not given me reasons to doubt him until recently.

He’s in the army in school right now and refers to everyone by their last name even his best friends. I’m close with a female who is married we’ve all hung out as couples. The other week he is showing me something on his phone and get a text from “Jess” saying “can I ask you a favor?”. Didn’t say anything but he could tell it bothered me he said it was a female in his class asking for something but was super vague. it was weird it wasn’t her last name and I hadn’t heard about her before. The female we are both close with Ive never heard her say a Jess. Jess is for sure her first name because I asked for her last name and he mumbled something I could not understand. I was so mad I just didn’t push further on this

What was fishy, that week he went on evening runs in our neighborhood, something in my gut told me to look at his phone but I could not find it anywhere. I noticed when he came back from his run the second day he was putting it in his car. The next morning after his PT he was in the shower, I had an excuse to go to his car because he had my credit card, I used this few seconds to look through his texts and the text from “Jess” was not there, I was actually surprised by the time I was done looking at his phone he was immediately at our front door heading towards me (I was expected a longer shower). I didn’t say anything then just that I had to find me credit card.

That same night he was charging his old phone, I noticed he deleted all social media apps on his old phone. I left the weekend and have been gone for 2 weeks visiting our families. He told me 1 night he was at a bar in our town but his find my friends showed he was in a bar at a town 30mins away. Last night I noticed his find my friends was not showing, I asked him about it today and he said when he went on the app it asked him to sign in and agree to new terms and services…. My find my friends has never asked me this

I get back this weekend and I will confront him on all this and I’m afraid I’m just going to get the runaround. Maybe there are true explanations for this I don’t want to believe he is cheating but I also feel off about all this