How do get to know him?

So I’m talking to someone who is busy all the time working at first it started out as us meeting up to have sex but I’m starting to like him we haven’t done anything yet and I know once you have sex the relationship stuff is usually out the window… so I have two questions… how do I approach this in a way so it doesn’t seem like im using him for a night (which is not really my intention) he said he wanted to get to know me too and have sex but I don’t trust everything people say and he’s coming over my house next month and I don’t want to hold off conversation with him for basically 18 days because it gives the wrong message. How do I check in on him and get to know him when he’s a busy guy I don’t wanna intrude or be annoying I really like him so im trying to figure how to create conversation with him and not just a “hey let’s link up on this day” my second option was to talk to him more when he comes to see me but he would probably think at that point im strictly thinking of sex but nooo I think I wanna cuddle and maybe have sex and so cute stuff. 🥺💚