Could I be pregnant?

Bear with me as I go through all my symptoms because I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet. After more bfn that I could bear, this month I decided not to have a test in my house until I missed my period.

1. So after having my third meal within a period of 7 hours, It hit me that I could be pregnant. Which is fantastic because am underweight and my body would be doing what it needs me to do to sustain this life.

2. Late period. period was due yesterday so I waited, waited, and waited. Nothing.

3. Am bloated

4. And yesterday I had 2 vivid dreams. Today I had like 5, all intertwined.

5. Dry throat when I don't drink at night. And thirsty all through the day. Now I was a good drinker, only I had to stop so as to wean my son last week. And I was fine. Now the thirst has come back full swing.

6. Sensitive breasts. Now my nipples were painful before I weaned but that had to do with my son being sick and latching wrong. Then breasts painful for weaning cold turkey, and it was getting better but yesterday milk came back in and I got full, hard, clogged breasts. This is Day 8 of not giving my son any breast milk so it should be getting better not worse. Anyway I pumped some out which I hadnt done in 5 days and gave him in a cup, he didn't like it.

7. I had no fluid but now it is creamy. Before I was dry, yesterday I woke up feeling wet so I panicked thinking my period had come but it was just fluid.

8. I feel hot so fast. I wake up dripped in sweat just from sleeping in my husband's arms and 1 blanket. He also noticed.

9. Usually am horny before period. Am not now.

10. I took an ovulation test today and it came back positive.

Am I symptom spotting? I understand these symptoms could as well be my period is coming but am trying not to lose hope. Could this be true? My pregnancy test arrives tomorrow but would like some reassurance if possible. Now I regret not having bought a test. I was just so scared of a bfn before my period.

UPDATE: Am pregnant. will leave this post for those who want to compare symptoms in their tww.