Our Birth Story ❤️

tab • 24 • ftm • boy mom 💙

5am contractions started, lasting 40sec-1min, they were about 15 min apart but SO intense. I ended up getting admitted around 6am as they contractions were around 6 minutes apart. I was in preterm labor, for up until about 9-10am, I hadn’t dilated past 3cm.

My contractions were so bad & I ended up at 5cm around 2pm. I got a dose of medicine due to me not wanting to epidural so early that made me feel sooo much better! They wanted to get me on Pitocin but I kindly declined because they said they’ll make my contractions worse 😓! But I ended up getting my epidural at 8cm dilated. IT FAILED! My contractions were so bad, I had to get my epidural fixed & it was sooo amazing. I gave birth to my beautiful son at 11:48pm on 11/3. A few minutes would’ve been his dude date! I pushed for 4 whole hours, he was so excited he kept going back into the canal 😭 I did get a second degree tear & am in so much pain from the stitches and back pain from epidural but Im happy he’s here! A healthy 7lb9oz & 20in long.