Dutch oven

Random post, but I’m really curious.

Do any of you have a Dutch oven? If so, do you like it, or use it a lot?

I’ve been looking up “winter” recipes, and I found a few that call to be made in a Dutch oven. The thing is, a lot of the recipes are things that I make in my crock pot (stews, pot roast, pot pie) so I’m kind of on the fence, like I really love using my crock pot, so why would I want to make them in the Dutch oven instead.

But then I wonder, will things come out better in the Dutch oven? I know a lot of things in the crock pot come out a little watery, so I am usually adding flour to my stews, so maybe the Dutch oven would eliminate that problem.

So, if you have a Dutch oven, do you like it? Or is it kind of pointless? should I stick to my crock pot?