Tiny Ones!

Any of January 2021 babies tiny? how are their milestones progressing? My LO is 10 months old in 2 more days and is about 15-16lbs haven’t been to the doctor yet for update. she’s advanced for how tiny she is. Already crawling up the stairs 😩 she’s such a busy body for a tiny little one. doctor is now not concerned about her weight, (he used to be) but she’s growing on her own curve. i’m wondering if she will be walking soon or if her being tiny will hold that back

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My little baba was born in december 2020 at 5lb 4oz. Shes just gone 11months and only 14lb 12. Her milestones are coming on thick and fast. Shes so tiny but does everything an 11month old can do.. exept eat loads of solids.. she mainly has lumpy pures but is trying to stand now and has 7teeth haha shes trying to talk also dont worry if you have a tiny baby it just means your little bundle of jot stays littler for longer haha Pic of my happy tiny tot :)


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My little one is 16lbs at 10 months. Doctor wasn't concerned at all and she is hitting all her milestones!


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My son was 17 lbs at his 9 mo checkup. His 2 month old cousin is 14 lbs 😂. I’ve had people make snarky comments about his size, I just tell them he makes up for it with his smarts! He’s ahead in every category developmentally. Our babies are doing just fine, mama 😉


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My wee one is on 15lb 4oz at 9 month, not had a check up since she was 4 months but am not worried she very active she already crawling, climing stairs pulling herself upon her feet trys to climb on everything, she can't sit still 🤪 but she's hitting her milestones fine and following her curve at a steady rate so no worries 👍


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Mine is 16lbs, 4oz at 10 months. Also very active and acing the milestones. I’ll be shocked if she’s not walking this month! I’m not concerned currently. I think she just burns too many calories being wild 😂


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My baby is 10 months old and 17 pounds she's small but also very advanced as she started walking at 7 months the doctor isn't concerned because she's active and is growing at her own pace.