Breech baby at 39+3.


I have been refused an ECV because my hospital doesn’t offer if. So now I’ve been trying everything to flip him. All these different yoga poses daily for 2 weeks. Still nothing. He’s frank breech and measuring about 9 lbs as of today. Due to being denied an ECV until a few days ago, I don’t have any chiropractor near me that can get me in on short notice. So that’s not an option. There’s no clear reason why he’s Breech. Fluid is normal, placenta is posterior, I had a previous natural birth and no known birth defects. Anyone else’s baby turn last minute? Trying to give him plenty of time to flip but they’re planning a c section a week and a half from now and I’m losing hope. I’m slightly hoping I’ll go into spontaneous labor and that’ll convince him to flip but I don’t know if having a breech baby that’s not engaged or anything will cause me to be overdue. What was your experience with your breech baby?