reactive abuse ?

i think my partner uses reactive abuse but i’m not sure if he’s doing it on purpose idk

i feel like i’m going crazy.

this morning he thankfully took the baby while i slept in (a rare occasion but the baby was being so crazy last night) and about an hour later he brings the baby in and lays on the bed. the baby starts screaming because he doesn’t like laying down, so i wake up. but as i’m trying to get up my partner keeps the baby laying down so the baby was just screaming, i said “pick him up he doesn’t want to be on the bed, i’ll be out there in a second.” because i was putting on a shirt. instead of bringing the baby into the living room he just stands behind me while the baby keeps screaming. so i go “really?” and he says “oh my god mommy woke up on the wrong side of the bed today” blah blah blah. and he kept going, saying it over and over again.

whatever, i walk out into the living room so i can pump and my partner goes “wow mommy is angry, she’s so upset” and every time i go to explain why i’m upset he talked over me repeating that i’m angry and that i woke up on the wrong side of the bed. then he said “i fed him beef this morning” which made me mad because the baby is constipated (which is why he was crazy last night) and i talked to my partner about how we weren’t going to feed the baby food only breast milk like the doctor suggested. not only that but he fed the baby OLD beef, yes it was in the refrigerator but on the packet it says eat within 24 hours and it’s been opened for 48 (which i suppose is my fault because i forgot it was in there). so i was visibly pissed and that made him laugh. he ALWAYS does that. whenever i’m mad he laughs but god forbid if he’s mad and i dont “take him seriously”.

so obviously i freak out and i tell him to leave me alone, instead he just stands in the hallway laughing and saying “mommy’s soooo upset” etc. and i’m not gonna lie it caused me to blow up.

i threw his coffee in the sink and took the baby from him, i told him to leave and threw his vape in the trash. not my proudest moment. and if i’m being even more honest, i’ve been in anger management before because my parents and siblings use to do stuff like this to me which caused me to “freak out”, it’s also where i learned what reactive abuse is. i haven’t had a “freak out” in 10 years since i left the program but after i got pregnant is when they started happening again. all of them have been from my partner invalidating how i feel or just straight up being disrespectful (the first time it happened was when i was pregnant and he kept putting his feet on me after i told him to stop)

but he has me question whether this is true reactive abuse or not. am i crazy ??? i don’t know if i’m over reacting or not

here’s some texts after it happened.