Mentally done with trying to have friends

I’m not trying to have a pity party for myself. I guess you could say I’m venting or coming to a realization.

Recently there was a time I put myself out there when I was in a mental state of deep depression in my life and I kept dwelling and stressing over what I was going through to people that I thought would be there for me regardless. I had recently been diagnosed with some mental illnesses due to some of the trauma I was complaining to them about. They seem to endure it at first unbothered by my conversations.

Then I think eventually they got annoyed by me because they would try to be there but I guess they felt like I wasn’t taking their advice or I was letting the situation consume me. At one point we were all on the same page talking about situation and how people made us feel but then whenever I would bring it up they were at one point tell me this is a drama free zone and they don’t want anything to do with that. But they were the ones that were talking about it with me before… They were tell me things like “it’s too early in the morning (for what I was texting them about) you are letting so-and-so consume your life and you can’t do that. Let it go you’re free now. Well why are you still talking to that person. “

Ultimately now I feel like they are sick and tired of me and or someone avoiding me. They kind of just don’t answer my calls anymore. I offered to take them out to eat and pay for it and they said they may have plans they’ll let me know then never got back to me. They said they would call me back after I called them and they never did. when I text them to ask if I called at a bad time they just say they’ve been stressed out with work or they have other plans.

So I get it I could take a hint. But I’m one of those people that you have to be very direct with like tell me “hey look I need space for a month it’s nothing personal but I’ll get back to you when I’m ready to talk or something”.

It just sucks when people say things like “ I’m always there for you you don’t ever have to worry about annoying me I’ll let you know if you did anything to upset me” and then they kind of just distance themselves from you.

I’m not gonna lie I am a clingy person but I just always would like someone to talk to. I get it people that I hang out with or not my therapist so I tried to respect or ask that they let me know when I’m talking about some thing that they just don’t wanna discuss at the moment. I also understand people have other lives and their lives don’t revolve around me. But I always see others who have BFFs to hang out with and it just seems like they always have someone. In my case I feel like I did an interview with these people that I thought were going to be there for me and after three times of hanging out they just got sick of me and now I’m eliminated from being in their circle. What do I do ?

I give up