My bf’s best friend


Sooo my boyfriend was in love with this girl when he was in 8th grade, we’ll call her Mariah. She didn’t really like him back because she was in a relationship at the time but he chased her and they went on a date in freshmen year. He was still in love with her and they were basically just best friends and so when she was assaulted, she told him about it and she told him she never wanted to do anything physical or anything ever again. He’s a very physical person and his love language is touch so this is pretty much when he was like “okay a relationship won’t happen” but they stayed really good friends. Fast forward we’re now all in college and me and him have been dating for 6 months and their closeness is really starting to bother me… he’s very emotionally involved with another woman I feel like and I also feel like he’s only with me and not her because she’s not into him physically. Like she’s his emotional girlfriend and I’m his physical one. He says that he treats her the same way he’d treat his guy friends but they hug and have really deep late night talks etc.

Recently though Mariah found out through college experimentation that she does actually enjoy doing physical things and that she’s ready for that kind of relationship. I’m really scared because now the only thing standing between him and her is me. I love him so much but I don’t think he loves me as much as he loves her and if she wants him I think he’ll choose her. I know my worth, and I know that I don’t deserve this but I don’t want to make him lose his best friend, but it makes me really sad to think about the fact that he literally talks to another woman pretty much the same if not more than he talks to me. And honestly.. even if she was a guy and they didn’t have a history, I think it would still bother me…
