Need advice asap


Hey ladies I’m currently 27 weeks and 3 days pregnant with baby No.2 a girl first was boy no complications during first pregnancy or delivery no nausea or vomiting smooth pregnancy this pregnancy is the same except for Monday night I started to feel really nauseous while driving I made it home got out of my car and this severe pain struck the top of my stomach and I started to vomit (A lot) and it persisted thru out the night every time I turned to a different side I had to vomit and then came the watery diarrhea like I was peeing but from my butt I waited it out until morning and rushed my self to urgent care and they said with my symptoms it’s best to check on baby so I had to go to the emergency room I went there and sat thru cervix checking times 3 and I v fluids for severe dehydration and told me after doing blood work I’m severely anemic (which I knew btw) they told me it was just heart burn and sent me home with the medicine any other ideas the pain has come back and feeling nauseous against?