Best things to help? Best advice?


Hi we are TTC #1 and I’m just looking for some of the “best” things to help maximise our chances.

I currently eat healthy (vegetarian and cook from scratch with lots of veggies), run 3x weekly plus cycle to/from uni, no drinking, smoking or drugs. He’s the same, except smokes weed 1-2x a week but has decided he’s going to stop whilst we try. He’s a healthy weight, I’m overweight and wondering if losing weight would help my chances?

What other things have you guys found helpful in TTC?

Other things we’re doing: switched to Pre-seed (previously using water based lube), using OPKs and BBT tracking.

Im pretty regular in my cycles and we’re both relatively young (I’m 22 he’s 26), but I’ve been feeling a little disheartened that we’ve not been successful.

Shower me with advice!