I feel so embarrassed…

First pregnancy and baby… Yesterday I had a feeling that I might be leaking amniotic fluid, so I went and got it checked at the hospital. No fluid leaking, but the midwife (in training) told me I was 3 almost 4 cm dilated. I only had som Braxton hicks contractions the night before that wasn’t that painful, so I went home very excited.

Later last night the BH contractions started again, but this time they developed over the course of 5-6 hours. It became painful but not like “the worst pain I ever felt”. But having in mind that I dilated to almost 4 cm without it being painful, I was sure that something was going on, so I insisted to go and get checked at the hospital thinking I was in labor. The midwife who checked me told me that there had been a mistake, and I’m not even 1 cm dilated…

I just feel so stupid and embarrassed…