If you were him would it bother you?

So my partner and I were giving massages to each other last night… lovely!

Baby wakes up so I go and deal with baby. Come back in the bedroom (thinking sexy time) but he is now falling asleep. He mumbles that he tired and sorry. That’s fine I’m not mad. So I decided to finish myself (have some good toys I haven’t used in ages, so thought why not.. he was now fast asleep). Anyway I fell fast asleep afterwards.

I wake up in the morning and he says, “did you pleasure yourself last night while I was asleep?” I was like we yeah!

He now really upset! Like wtf. I know he pleasures himself often so why not me! He says I should of woken him up!! Er ok you were I wake I was gone 10/15mins to deal with baby came back and you wanted to sleep!!

Honestly men are bloody weirdos

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