Is i wrong for me to hope he put more effort in once I start working?


So starting next week I will be throwing myself head first into 2 jobs… (to save for college not as some sorta psycho way of making value my time or whatever) my boyfriend has worked the entire time we’ve been together and I’ve been (as much as I can be (sometimes I act up a little sometimes but for the most part I am good about it all)) respectful of that and haven’t tried to pressure him too much, we only hang out like once or twice a month. And I feel like he’s been (as much as he is busy and working all the time) putting in less effort in our relationship because I didn’t have a job up until now…

Is it wrong for my to hope that now that I’ll be working more he’ll try to make more of an effort to spend time together and invest a little more time in our relationship?

(Context: My boyfriend and I are recently graduated and I didn’t have a job for the last year or so because I wanted to focus on doing well in my last years of high school)