Just wanting to vent


Greetings everyone! My name is Mo from south FL. I just joined this group today, I instantly seen the word “vent” and knew I had to be in here, all I’ve been wanting to do is vent and not receive judgement. Tough love is okay for me. I don’t feel close enough to talk to anyone in my family about my true feelings because I’ll just get the typical “pray about it” or I feel as if everybody else has their own problems so who would want to be filled with my low vibrational problems, I’m 25, I’m a mother to a 5 year old boy, Me and my son still live with my mom which I’m content with for now, I feel lost, stagnant, hopeless and helpless. I could sit here and write a book but who will read it? Omg 🥺 therapy? Can’t afford it. I’m stressed, tired, but I just keep going. I don’t know what I have a passion for because I feel as though everything requires money , but bills eat money up. I’m probably jumping all over the place but that’s how my mind runs. My sons father barely helps me with our son physically and he’s flip floppy with finances, we broke up over 3 years ago and I’ve tried coparenting in the most peaceful way for myself but he’s always been such a manipulator. I’m learning how to stand firm on my boundaries.

I’m currently dealing with this guy, who I’ve been sexually active with on and off for 2-3 years, I feel like a dumb ass when it comes to him smh because the sh*t I’ve dealt with and we were/are not even in a committed relationship.

I have so much more to say but I’ll end it here… hope everyone is having a great morning so far