Bleeding 12 weeks (low-lying placenta)


I’ve had a few instances of spotting and brown discharge prior to this (6-7 weeks and again at 10 weeks), ultrasounds showed baby was fine, but placenta was low. I’ve been on complete pelvic rest since 6 weeks. My dr wanted me to be on bed rest, but I have a 2 year old that needs his mommy.

Anyway, I’m 12 weeks now and I’ve had quite a bit of bright red bleeding (no real cramping- maybe some “pressure”) this evening. I did some walking today, and lifted my toddler, but certainly nothing too strenuous. Can anyone offer advice or good stories? I will call my OB Monday, but need some good juju in the meantime.

(We got the results of our NIPT back and low risk for everything, if that matters.)