Help me… Housemate problems


I don’t know if I’m thinking too much into this but I’m like mad and hurt at my housemates right now. So I live with like four other people and like we all get along great and we’re all friendly with each but then two of them I’ve been having problems with (except they don’t know we’re having problems because I always act like everything’s fine).

They constantly go out with each other and don’t invite me and even when they do, somehow I always end up getting left behind (they left me with the tab once of over €100 and I was absolutely pissed drunk and had to depend on these random guys and girls to help me home).

Things like that keep happening when I go out with them and then tonight they went out w/ a group of people who I’m also friends with and didn’t invite me.

Like I know, I party and drink too much and can be a real pain to deal with when out. I also know that I should stop going out with them because of the things they’ve done before but you know, an invite never hurt anyone. Like I’m not going to go out with them but I’d be nice if they ask me because it’s the considerate thing to do.

Whenever I go out with our friends I also make an effort to invite them but they can’t even do the same for me.

I’m just upset with them + the fact I always end up paying for drinks for all of us and they never pay me back even when they promise they will (I’m so bad with asking for money back).

I just don’t know how or if I should bring it up to them.

Some help pleaseee.