10dpo and not even a faint line im I out



Have been testing since 8dPO with cheap ones yesterday at 9do i thought I could see a vvvvvf line so I retested today with a 6 day sooner test to confirm the line since they should detect less hcg but it came out bfn so the supposedly line from the cheapy I guess it was just an indent line. I honestly think i am out this month...

9dpo Walmart cheaply test

6 days sooner test

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Posted at
You aren’t out yet. Try not to test so early, it creates a lot of unnecessary stress and doesn’t change the out come whether you are or not.


Posted at
You are not out till AF comes. So I just want to give you some hope. I tested 4 days before my missed period very very negative, I then tested 2 days before my missed period and got a vvvvfl then I test on a digital the next day and that came out positive so you are not out of it yet❤️ best of luck and baby dust✨


Bellanira • Dec 12, 2021
Thank you... Did you have any symptoms or implantation cramps/ bleeding i havent at all which makes me think as well that I wont be pregnant this month?


Posted at
Still super early. I was almost 14dpo with my first before I got my bfp. Keep testing. Baby dust xx2