Pregnant or Paranoid?


Hey ... So we have been TTC for about 3 months now. I am so desperate for a baby, but due to financial reasons we have been putting it off for almost a year. Anyway, we did the baby dance the day before and day of ovulation. It is now 8 days before my period is supposed to start. I have been having some mild flu symptoms (sniffy nose) and I get queasy after every meal, no matter what I eat and I don't have much of an appetite. I don't really have tender breasts. I am a bit queasy when I wake up, and my lower back and pelvis area hurts like hell (normal endo pain areas, but feels different than usual endo pain). Been craving things I haven't had in forever and spicy food is not burning my mouth like it usually does. I am usually extremely moody and irritable the 2 weeks before my period but I have been in a surprisingly good mood. Could I be pregnant or am I looking too much into everything and getting my hopes up for nothing?