Help me please

So for a while now I’ve been so confused I thought I was just sexually attracted to girls and I could just push that feeling back but I’ve been kind of talking to this guy and I just feel so uncomfortable and I don’t know why he’s nice enough he’s good looking but sometimes I imagine being with a girl and I feel so much more at ease and I mean there’s never been a certain girl I’ve like before maybe one but I didn’t really think it meant anything. So I like guys and girls but how to I tell my parents Im not a lesbian but I like girls too do I have a serious talk with them or just slip it into conversation I can’t really half come out can I. I keep racking my brain on how to do it am I just overthinking this or what ??

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I had that same situation, I came out at 14 as a lesbian because I had only experienced attraction to women, then slowly realized I was interested in men as well just a lot less. Sexuality is a spectrum and it is fluid. Don’t fret too much about the labels or what other people think, just allow yourself to be who you are.