Waking up frequently and loudly 😴


This is my second baby, and I know all about the 4 month sleep regression. This could be that for sure, but he’s never given us a full night sleep before anyways. He’s had maybe 5 nights where he woke up only once. For weeks now he’s waking up almost every hour. Usually I can get him back to sleep right away by picking him up, but other times he starts to fight it and I put him on the boob for a few minutes and he falls asleep. I know this is when they start to develop the ability to put themselves back to sleep, but the problem is he’s loud. Like right from the minute he starts to wake up he starts grunting and progresses to yelling pretty quickly, so it’s hard to let him try to fall back asleep on his own. I have a toddler that I really don’t want to also be woken up in the middle of the night. Any tips at all? I don’t know when I last had a good night sleep. The only thing I can think of is maybe giving him more formula before bed (he’s combined) but he spits up a lot so I try to make sure I’m not over feeding.