Hello mama’s

I am 19 week now . I am not diabetic but the thing is that my obgyn prescribed me metformin before I was pregnant to conceive because I trying to conceive and my periods was not regular. She put me on 1000 mg 2 times a day and I changed my obgyn after I got pregnant. My new obgyn didn’t take me off from the medicine she only decreased my dose from 2 time to one time a day which is 1000 mg. I didn’t understand why though I was not diabetic. My all test result came awesome . I was diagnosed with high blood pressure 8 month ago and I am on my medicine . My blood pressure is exactly where it should be in normal range . But since 8-10 days I started peeing a lot than before and my mouth started drying and my feet started burning . So I got doubt and asked my husband to bring me a gulcometer so I can see my glucose level . And I started taking a note . My fasting is between (105-119) and after 2 hr post my lunch it is between (123-135) and I check before going to my bed it’s around 119 but yesterday it was 150 . My numbers it seems going high sometime and sometime it’s in range . I am still on metformin 1000 mg one time in the morning. I have a dr appointment on January 13th. What do you guys say about it? Do I mention these things to doctor or it’s within normal range . How you guys are doing ? Will my doctor increase my dose and diagnosis me with gestational diabetes . I am so much worried. I have subchorionic hematoma and now this and I am already taking medicine for high blood pressure. Omg how am I going to handle this 😔😔