Birth story 🖤


Ok, soooo I’ve been needing somewhere to post my birth story ! 🥰 Anyways, at about 39 weeks and some days I started getting cervix checks and my doctor said I wasn’t dilated at all so he instantly suggested inducing me and he asked me if I wanted to plan my induction or just wait but he insisted on planning it because he said he don’t want me to wait after my due date…. so I scheduled my induction that very next week( the day before my due date) I went in that night at 7:00pm, when I first got in the nurse had me to undress and everything and I put on a gown then I layed in the bed, she hooked me up to everything and she checked my cervix, she said I was 2 cm and she asked was I feeling the contractions and I said no… I literally felt nothing so she gave me some meds so I could get some rest before the next morning when they actually induce me, I was so happy that the meds didn’t even make me go to sleep. 😂 She noticed I wasn’t sleep and came in and said “you better get you some sleep because you’re gonna need it” then she gave me some other medicine, I can’t remember the name but it starts with a D, that instantly knocked me out 😂😂😂 when I woke up the next morning I felt so good so, the next morning they gave me pitocin which is used to help you dilate, those contractions started coming, I was at about 4cm…. the lady checked my cervix. That evening the doctor checked my cervix and I was about 6cm but my waters still hadn’t bursted and they said I was dilating slow so the doctor stuck his hand in my vagina and used this tool to bust my waters, felt so YUCKY! Then they gave me this peanut ball and Y’ALL ITS THE TRUTH!!!!! This helped me dilate much quicker, I got the epidural but for some reason it wasn’t working so they gave me another dose of it and it still wasn’t working…… when I dilated to 8cm the nurses had me to practice pushing and they seen that I knew how to push so they told me to stop so I stopped, then they noticed I got up to 10cm and told me to push and hold it for 10 secs, they were like “Ooohhh I see a head full of hair” so, that instantly motivated me to push more, they told me to push again and hold it for another 10 seconds, I did it and took a deep breath and with the last 10 sec push, my baby was hereeee 😍 all in 30 seconds and 3 pushes! I was exactly 40 weeks… with all of that being said, don’t be scared to get an induction and the peanut ball is a LIFESAVER! My mom was there and she watched the whole thing 😂 she said my vagina just opened like “the jaws of life” when my baby came out. 😂😂😂 I love the way she describes it… I love telling my birth story because I don’t hear about too many ladies having to have the doctor stick their hand in the vagina and using a tool to bust their waters… after the doctor had bursted my waters, I was still laying there for hours and I swear I thought my baby would stop breathing or something without having the waters surrounded by him……. I went in at 7pm the night before and my baby came at around 7:25pm the next day! I’ll happily answer any of you ladies questions. 💕 So feel free to comment!