Toddler teething + running a fever?


My toddler has been running a fever for 2 days now. We went to her pediatrician and they didn't tell us what it was just that it could be Covid or RSV or a stomach bug. She threw up 2 days ago and then the fever started after. Today she was eating oranges and Cottage cheese and all of a sudden she started freaking out and wouldn't eat anymore. She wouldn't stop crying and started chewing on her fingers. She would also take big gulps like swallowing was hard for her. All of her teeth have grown in except her molars which are just now coming in. She's almost 2. Last night she woke up every hour crying even with the Tylenol. Could this be teething pain? I've read teething doesn't cause fevers but she has every other teething symptom. She got tested for covid but we're almost certain she doesn't have it.