

So my son just turned 2 (on New Years to be exact). He has a speech therapist who comes every other week to help him and it’s been helping! Buuut, we haven’t seen her since Halloween since she was sick for awhile. I recently started working so haven’t had a chance for her to come by. My question is could my son be autistic? Nothing wrong with it but I want to prepare myself and help him get all the help he could possibly be need early on. His speech therapist said she doesn’t see it in him, but he’s still not talking as much as a kid his age should be… He screams when he wants something, he will grab my hand and take me to where he wants to go. He is very active, plays with a lot of his toys likes to make a mess lol. He likes to be “organized” as me and my husband say and he likes to line up his cars. He has this thing that just started where he makes like a diamond shape with his fingers, so random! He also has this thing with hiding in the closet he thinks it’s funny and waits for us to go find him… He cries a lot and has lots of tantrums but they said it’s completely normal for his terrible twos. Any mommas that can share tips or give me advice please