Is this wrong?


Hi so a week ago i was feeling sick and i decided to get tested for covid. Everyone was saying that I'm paranoid and it's just a cold and i was like whatever. So i called in to work and let them know and honestly they made me feel a little guilty for not coming in because they didn't have anyone to cover me, and also the week before i had told my manager i was tired of working so he probably thought i was faking it because i didn't wanna work.

So then like 2 days of missing work, i feel better and against my better judgement i go back to work because ive decided to listen to everyone. I feel fine so i stop taking my medicine... But still no covid results.

The people said I'm supposed to get my results in 3-4 days and i had still not gotten them. So i emailed and no answer. I finally called yesterday and was told i was not gonna get my results til Monday. Mind you, I'm starting to have a small cough again.

So today i end up getting my results and they're positive. I call my manager and he asks me when did i get tested. I told him a week ago. And he says that after 5 days of when i first tested, covid goes away.

Is that true??? Because I've never even heard of that. I've only heard of 14 days quarantine. And i even told him i haven't even quarantine in those five days. He gave me an email, i guess it's like HR, he told me to text them but that they were gonna tell me the same thing. But he said it's up to me. And i told him i just don't know if i feel comfortable going back to work like this because i knowingly have covid so what about the people i serve or my coworkers who aren't tested???

Idk i feel like they're trying to guilt me into going back to work because they have no one else. Or is this the new normal???

Can someone let me know?