Prednisolone confusion


Hello ladies! Do you take Prednisolone 20 mg up to 12 week or 10th? I am on it due to multiple early miscaridges. Never tested positive for the usual antibodies they check for but the NKC never got tested. The recurrant miscaridge clinic told me to start it after positive test. However RE told me to start on the evening of Egg retrieval. I am thinking now I am short of 2 boxes to gradually reduce it last 2 weeks since I started 2 weeks earlier. I was rather puzzled by the RMC suggestion as supposedly helps with implantation in the high NKC case. I was under the impression that it is 10 weeks on full dose. Then half it each week. I have used 2 boxes each 28 pills last 2 weeks. I have left 6 boxes so supply for 6 weeks which will take me to 10 weeks if pregnant. I thought I need additional box to gradually half it each week. Or do you take 8 weeks full dose of 4 pills then 2 for 9th week and 1 for ten. I thought you take it to 12th week. Math does not add up. Or did the OBG just gave me box less because she assumed I start in 4rth week rather than 3rd? Worried I will have to either go cold turkey or just take half dose last 3 weeks.