Gift for a Gift


I’ll gift back or help a mom in need. 💕💯

Please show me there are some mommas willing to return the favor… (I’ve gifted so many gifts on this app and have barely seen moms help others out.)

First time parents (Rainbow parents)

🌈 🌈🌈

We finally have our little girl after everything we have been through (still birth in 2019 she was 27 weeks and 6 days.) Rest In Peace my little Luna. 🦄

This sweet little girl her name is Aurora Grace, She is a preemie born at 29 weeks and 5 days (seems like my body just can’t handle going past the 7th month) due to me having severe preeclampsia…. I was hospitalized for a month and she was in the nicu for 46 days. I had to have an emergency c-section due to blood pressure spiking and lack of oxygen to myself and the baby. She was born at 8:03pm weighing 2 pounds 10 ounces on 10/1 .

She is technically 3 months old but is adjusted to 3 weeks old due to being born so early! But guess who just weighed in at 8 pounds! She’s running with the big dogs now! ❤️

She came so early everything was rushed there are a few things we still need, anything helps.

Quick fact of the day:

In Roman mythology Luna “goddess of the moon” is Aurora “goddess of the dawns” sister.☀️🌑