First time please help.

So we are ttc from past 7 months with no luck. Hubby did tests and everything came back normal. Been tracking periods and ovulation through opks. I Did a tubel patency test today, they told me that my tubes are blocked due to a stillborn I had last year March. <a href="">IVF</a>

is my next option. I'm just feeling so shattered that it took me this long to find out this and now <a href="">IVF</a>

would take more time. Please advise me what options do I have ? Is there any other way I should also think about which I'm missing ? Thanks for reading

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Posted at
You&#x27;re actually really lucky to have gotten a diagnosis and a treatment plan in less than a year to be honest. Have they suggest a surgery to unblock the tube?


radhika • Jan 25, 2022
Ok makes sense. Thanks for telling me this as I&#x27;m new to this and I&#x27;m shaking. I don&#x27;t know what to do or whom to ask. Thanks for helping me 🙂


Lauren • Jan 25, 2022
I find it strange that they’re claiming both of your tubes are blocked after a stillbirth. I’d really get a second opinion to make sure there’s no infection or endometriosis. Do they know what caused you to miscarry? Blocked tubes (depending on their cause) can actually cause pregnancy loss. I’d really get a second opinion before skipping right to IVF. If they can resect the damaged parts of the tubes (surgery…not sure if you’re a candidate for that), then that could be an option. But it’s likely surgery vs IVF for your best chance. Either way, get a second opinion from a good RE.


radhika • Jan 25, 2022
Thanks so much for reading and helping guys 🙂 I really appreciate it


Posted at
Are they able to resect the damaged part of the tubes? If not, IVF is your best option. Also, a stillbirth itself is not a cause of blocked tubes. However, certain blockages can cause pregnancy loss. I’d get a second opinion to find out what’s causing your tubes to be blocked (scar tissue, infection, endometriosis).