Labour birth x


Hi ladies sorry took so long write just been Justine 2 newborn life so I had my baby on the 12th jan was having contractions but was breathing them out thinking they were braxton hicks then called my mum come round as well as my partner here Was not 2 bad not realising was in full labour contractions started coming fast which made me throw up so knew was time go hospital cause when sick no I’m ready give birth which did with other baby’s so got 2 the hospital where they said Gonna break waters for ya but couldn’t cause said if u walk it will bust on own I can feel the bag so I said ok nurse said u have done so well breathing through this y don’t u try pain relief mophine was told could give me which was new me cause didn’t no could take that when in labour for pain so I said no thanks need be albe push baby out without being knackered so had cocodum and took edge off nurse said need go labour room cause contractions are coming fast so as walked round labour bit the midwife said I finish my shift in 45 mins let’s have baby before that which I looked thinking gonna be ages so they broke my waters as they didn’t go on own for nurse say me baby had poo inside u have get him out now so I had so much pressure and pushed baby was getting stressed where he had swallow the poo inside me so loads of nurses came in which I suffered from panic attacks so I closed eyes so didn’t see all the nurses which then said might have go emergency csection I started panic nurse said u can do this so I pushed and out he came took 45 mins for the whole labour and pushing they had take my baby 2 icu which I was scared and crying cause he had poo inside me but knew he was in best hands I was waiting for a bed for myself till waited for news on my son when 2 ward 2 be told had got covid like things couldn’t get any worse but they did I got send home and wasn’t allowed up hospital see my son cause covid was worse day of my life not being alike see him hold him so was at home everyday waiting updates on my son waiting for day could bring him home day 8 and got the call son can come home so my isolating was coming 2 a end thank god finally brough our son home and we all was completely happy brothers and sis and partner was over moon loads cuddles for him he weigh 5.8 our little fighter we named him max thanks for taking time read my story even tho it’s like a book but I no there’s woman out there that’s scared and think can’t do it of course can we are made for this and can get through anything if u just take time out for self and don’t be scared ask any thing that not sure about x x x