Having a boy


I know gender doesn’t define someone’s personality at all but I feel really unprepared/unknowledgable about having a boy. I feel like it would have been easier if he was a girl.

I helped raise my little sister so the only time I’ve ever been ‘maternal’ is with girls. I don’t have any baby brothers or cousins.

Did anyone else feel this way? It’s not like I’m disappointed he’s a boy, it’s more a worry that I won’t be as good of a mother.

I’m also anxious about his father and I’ve heard that boys look up to their dads more and he’s not the best role model so I think I’m also scared of him following in his fathers footsteps whereas if he was a girl, I wouldn’t have that worry. I don’t really have any other men in my life that could be a ‘good male role model’ so it’s only his dad that he will look to as what it means to be a man. Which scares the hell out of me!!! My biggest wish is that his dad doesn’t let him down or negatively influence him in some way.