Which is more likely

Do you believe if someone is cheating on you with the same person that they will stop eventually, let me give you a scenario my man’s ex accused him of cheating on me in the past with no proof I didn’t know how to believe cause there was no proof and she had jealousy issues he still has to communicate with her because they have a child together him dating me was new so he was figuring out how to deal with her and date cause I’ve been the first person he was with after her ..and she never thought he would leave her cause he always went back… there were things brought up in the past she said he used to cheat on me she said this while she wasn’t over him but now that she’s moved on she doesn’t bother us or make those comments but now I know 100 percent he’s not cheating. he doesn’t argue with her anymore like he used to… she doesn’t constantly call him like she used to or post about him…he doesn’t talk about her whatsoever he used to talk junk about their situation….Idk if it’s cause I wasn’t used to dealing with someone with kids but they say once a cheater always a cheater but like I said I 100 percent know he’s not cheating now … is it possible he cheated before and just stopped cause he married me and we had kids or did he most likely not cheat at all ?

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