Growth issues 😔

So when I went to my 20 week ultrasound they said baby was measuring a week behind in growth but they weren't to concerned and just offered me to get the blood test to check for t-13 and t-18 and one other chromosome problem.. well the test came back 1 in like 5000 chance... so those numbers looked really good and didn't think it was a chromosome issue with why she wasn't growing with the correct dates.. so they schedule me for a growth check up at 28 weeks... well she is still measuring really small.. only at 26 weeks.. they said it's not the way im eatting or anything I'm doing.. and there is nothing I can do about it!!

Is there anyone on here that has had these things happen to them and did the baby make it to full term?? I'm so worried and really stressing myself out over this!! I just really want her to make it to full term or there not be a still birth situation!