Am I wrong to feel this way?

Hi everyone.

My boyfriend of ten years and I are both turning 24 this year and we are expecting our first child. I am 13 weeks pregnant.

His parents allow him to sleep at my house, but do not allow me to sleep at his house because “if they let me sleep over, they will have to let his sisters have their boyfriends sleep over too”. His sisters do not have significant others, nor are either of them pregnant.

I’m kind of annoyed at this situation because the situations are not comparable. Again, I am pregnant and his sisters are not. We have been in a relationship for 10 years, and his sisters are both single. We are looking for our own place, but in the meantime, it would be nice to be able to just take a nap without being woken up to drive home in a snow storm while pregnant.

He wants to have a conversation with his parents because he is frustrated by this situation as well, but is unsure how to go about it. Does anyone have tips for him? I do not want to overstep and involve myself in the conversation as I feel it’s not my place. I have not mentioned any of this to his parents and I am very respectful of their decisions in their house, but am I wrong to feel annoyed?

Am I being selfish or overreacting?

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