Feeling like crap from morning sickness

S • 👰 02/11/18. 👶🏼 10/09/22.

Hey guys, I need some positivity. I'm 7 weeks 3 days and my morning sickness is awful. I can't stomach anything, even looking at food grosses me out. What I can eat consists of dry popcorn, pickles, processed cheese and fries and thats about it. I feel gross because I've never eaten so poorly in my entire life but I just can't eat vegetables, fruit, and forget about meat 🤢

How are the rest of you dealing? I don't know what to try to eat or what to do. I just feel so gross and worry my poor babe isn't getting enough from my crap diet. 😔

I am taking prenatals and my first scan isn't for another week and a half.