Need advice broken heart


There is this guy I been seeing. At first he was really into me. I was weary. Definitely did not want to get my heart broke again. I just got out of a 13 year mental and physical abusive relationship a year and a half ago. Finally healed. This new guy and I agreed we wanted to have a baby together. He already has 4 and I have 3. I love children and children cling to me. He went to Vegas this past week. Instead of asking me to pick him up from the airport he asked my friend. They work together. Yes I trust her if she would have gave him a ride home. Anyway he called and text her while he was there. I messaged him and told him happy birthday. Of course he said thanks back. But that’s the only communication I got out of him. I feel like he has hidden feelings for her and I was just a fill in. What if I am pregnant? I feel as if I should back off even if I am. Am I wrong for feeling that way? My heart is crushed and I saw this coming miles away. 🥺😢😭. Some one give me good advice. Should I keep putting in effort or just move on and move to Florida to get away? I am currently Indiana.

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So I actually had a wise old lady give me the advice when I was younger to “marry the man you could let go to Vegas for a week and never second guess your trust for him.” Trust is super important. If he had time to talk to a friend, forget about the sex of this friend, he had time to give you more than short answers via text from time to time. Did he need to be in 24/7 contact? No, but I would be Leary too if he pretty much ignored me the entire time he was in Vegas and then called another person to pick him up from the airport.


Brittany • Jan 30, 2022
Thank you that is some wonderful advise


Posted at
I think you probably should have a talk with him. If he can communicate with your friend more than he can communicate with his girlfriend then you should cut it off. He doesn't have to have feelings for her just to talk to her maybe they are friends. But he clearly showed you how much he values you by not talking to you.


Wa • Jan 30, 2022
That's crossing the line


Brittany • Jan 30, 2022
Yeah they are friends she calls him her work husband