When should i tell him im pregnant with my exs baby

I have 2 kids im pregnant with my 3rd. The one im pregnant with is my exs from before i had kids. We'll say i cheated on my kids dad. Yes i know im such a horrible person for it...... i don't need to hear how wrong i was and all that. I told the baby's dad we agreed to co parent. My kids dad and i have had so many issues in the 4.5 years we've been together from him cheating to kicking me out while pregnant at 2am then cheating some more while i was pregnant both times i was pregnant. He also left me at the hospital after a emergency c-section the last 2 days i was there and he didnt even drive us home my mom and brother had to. I drove myself home 36 hours after my c-section with my 2nd because he wouldn't. Our relationship is dead. We argue constantly over the smallest things and nothing ever changes hes gotten hateful with our 2.5 year old son multiple times over normal toddler things. My question is when should i tell him im pregnant with my exs baby. I don't want him to ditch our kids together because he's mad at me or do something stupid. Any advice is welcome

Added. Thank you all. Im already making plans to move. As for us being toxic i only just cheated on him after 4.5 years. He also slept with my childhood friend who is out there. Right after he messed with her he came home and had me feel his heart racing. I was 8 months pregnant with our youngest while taking care of a 15 month old by myself. After that our relationship just died. Ive asked him to leave hundreds of times he wont. He lives in my apartment. He uses my car to go to work. Im a sahm who does everything in the house.