Advice Please!


I want to have a 2nd baby real bad so my daughter doesn't grow up without any siblings like I did and so I can enjoy having one more baby, but my partner says if we have another one, he's not helping with anything (feeding, changing, basically being a parent, etc.) & it makes me question how we got here?

Before we had my daughter he always said yeah we'll have two (max 4), but now I feel like he's one & done & there's no meeting in the middle. She wasn't planned and I wouldn't change a thing, but to make it easier on both of us, I told him this time we would plan it out so it wouldn't be unexpected. I told him I want to have a baby before she is 4 so they are closer in age (she'll be two in 2 weeks), but he finds every excuse not to start trying at the end of the year... & I wonder why we can't compromise?

Sometimes I ask myself if I should end the relationship & do it by myself, since our goals have changed and there's no guarantee he'll change his mind in the future.

I want to have a baby with someone that will be supportive & happy about having a baby, not resenting me for wanting to have a child.