Normal to feel this way?

So my family members on my moms side I’m not too close with because I haven’t really grown up with them but still close enough to call and text every so often.

My problem is, my cousin is having a wedding on the same day as my daughters birthday. (We will be flying to a different state to attend the wedding).

They all haven’t met my daughter yet because of covid, and traveling expenses from where we are. We also don’t speak enough for them to have gotten acquainted with my daughter anyway so I suppose it’s not that big of a deal. But I guess my issue is I’m kind of at a loss of what to do. We will still be attending their wedding of course, but should my husband and I just take my daughter the day before to celebrate her birthday with just us? Or just till the next weekend to completely celebrate her birthday back at home? Or maybe celebrate a week early back at home? It doesn’t make a difference to my daughter bc she only knows so much. But it makes a difference to me because it lowkey makes me feel sad inside. I don’t want to bother them with her birthday bc it’s their special weekend and they don’t even really know my daughter so I don’t want them to feel obligated and I’ll feel even more sad if they don’t want to attend bc they’re family, and man oh man I just don’t know how to deal with feeling like this.

Edit: Some know about her birthday but haven’t really said anything about it and the other half don’t know and I’m lowkey wanting to not even say anything about her birthday bc I feel awkward about it. I don’t know why but I just do.

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